Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ML) is a branch of computer science that focuses on using data and algorithms to enable artificial intelligence to model the way humans learn and improve. in his right, Founded in of 20th Century
Early beginnings (1940 + 1950).
Neural networks: In the 1940s, Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts figured out how the human brain works and introduced the concept of artificial neural networks. Turing Test: Alan Turin Came up with turning in 1950 as a mother to see if a machine could act intelligently in a way that was hard to tell apart from a human
A.I-Wolves (1956)
Dartmouth conference: in 1956, a gathering at Dartmouth College explore
Human v/s AI
Human: Experiments, experiences, and based on emotions, and possess an inherent curiosity and motivation to explore.
AI: Required knowledge and input data which is provided by humans in any form or format, and also machine learning
Interpersonal Skills:
Human: humans are superior in comprehending, empathizing, feeling, and building relationships.
AI: could be good in memories and there is data storage, also follows instructions and modification, AI fails to create anything,
Decision Making:
Human: a person makes any kind of decision based on a combination, of situations, and emotions, often considering ethical and moral implications.
AI: Lack of emotions and understanding of the situation
Limitations or Boundaries:
Human: Humans are limitless, and there are no boundaries nor any kind of parameter for the measurement of the human mind.
Future Synergy:
In The Future humans will use AI for the work, with the Data provided by humans and handled by AI, heavy data tasks while humans focus on areas requiring emotional intelligence, creativity, and ethical judgment.
Artificial Intelligence v/s Robots:
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence are distinct in their approach. Robotics focuses on manipulating the physical area, while AI is oriented towards the internal or digital part.
Difference b/w AI & Robots:
The area of application is a significant difference. Robotics is responsible for creating machines that can move independently and interact with their surroundings. In most cases, they are employed to carry out repetitive, fast, or accurate tasks, such as in chain production industries or medicine. On the flip side, artificial intelligence is focused on processing data and designing algorithms. It is utilized in various contexts, including personalized care and education.
The robots are ideal for improving the productivity of companies in several sectors because they are programmed to follow a set of instructions repetitively. While AI can be utilized in different contexts, it is more dynamic. For example, an AI system can be used to process banking data and make investment decisions, but it can also be used to analyze medical information and prepare for surgery.
Relationship between artificial intelligence and robotics:
Even though there are many differences between robotics and Artificial Intelligence, they are two branches that benefit from each other. Artificial intelligence is used to improve skills such as movement, adapt to the environment, diagnose errors, and perform autonomous tasks of machines. It makes the learning and application capabilities of robots better.
Robotics and AI are both focused on automating tasks and facilitating processes for humans, and using data collected by input and output sensors to facilitate decision-making.
Work environments where machines and people collaborate to improve different tasks are becoming increasingly common. Cobots or collaborative robots are specifically designed to perform tedious tasks that require greater effort, which is an embodiment of human-machine collaboration. Their applications are advantageous in nearly every sector, and they are gradually being adjusted to different environments.
Experts in both technological fields have studied computer science, physics, or engineering because they require specific knowledge for their current manipulation.
Artificial intelligence impact on digital business:
The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Business:
Did you know that over 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned?. This is very expensive for e-commerce companies. For fashion retailers, conversion rates are higher because more experienced customers are more likely to come into the store to ‘try before they buy’.
With this in mind, the area where AI can be most beneficial is in guiding customers through this transition by providing a more personalized experience. Take The North Face, for example, which partnered with Esclatech to personalize the customer experience and integrate artificial intelligence into its online store. Esclatech’s Watson creates a mental profile of customer data in less than a second, asking questions about where, when and what customers wear their clothes. By doing this, customers spent two minutes longer with AI, increased loyalty, and achieved a 60 percent click-through rate for product recommendations to sales, accordingly.
AI usage for personalization:
The point is that using AI for personalization in e-commerce could solve the huge issue of ‘the runaway customer’ and raise conversion rates.
Visual search poses to fundamentally change the way we search and digest information
Artificial intelligence is helping e-commerce companies like eBay, Target and social media giant Pinterest to take ideas from online shopping by simplifying the search process. Recently, Pinterest reported that 93% of its users use the site to plan purchases, so the company recently used AI to create searchable images where users could tap just one part of an image to find product information. Retailer Target has recently partnered with Pinterest to substitute keyword search for image search in its app, users can just upload a photo and let AI technology scour the company’s inventory for a perfect match.
EBay has recently added similar technology but is upping the ante by allowing users to share images from social media or websites to find similar products for auction on the site.
Recent studies show that social media platforms are responsible for 3.2 billion daily visual shares, so it stands to reason that customers want to shop what they share. Visual search is still in its infancy, but AI technology is leading the way in blurring the lines between online and in-store shopping.
We believe the larger opportunity is to aggregate all product image libraries and have AI empower shoppers to effortlessly discover comparative things for purchase from a range of sources. I wholeheartedly believe this is a huge area where AI will have a lasting role and importance in providing contextual image-based likenings to help aid in purchases.
I have invested in MashN – an online visual search to purchase business so again am wildly excited about the future of visual search.
Content to be written by AI:
Gartner predicted that by 2018, 20% of business content will be generated by software
The Washington Post aimed to provide its readers with hyper-local sports coverage and knew it didn’t have the manpower to send reporters to hundreds of games that only mattered to a handful of people. What they had instead was AI technology. An AI program called Heliograf analyzes data around scores, players’ statistics, and weekly regional rankings and then uses that data to write hundreds of sports articles that the Post never could have covered using human reporters.
The potential for AI in e-commerce is boundless, but most e-commerce companies are focused on AI for online shopping. And while chatbots and more precisely, personalized recommendations are exciting, using AI to analyze data and the voice of customers to create hyper-personalized content is another revolutionary way for AI.
Retarget Prospects:
As Conversica revealed, less than 33% of ads are untargeted by most businesses. This means losing potential customers who are interested in your product or organization.
Omni-channel marketers are increasing their ability to remarket to consumers. The nature of the offerings will change as the organizations clearly respond to the needs, wants, and needs of the customers.
AI Personalisation to set a new benchmark:
With the continued rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, new levels of personalization are beginning to enter the rapidly changing world of online commerce.
While AI-based personalization for online businesses adopts the multi-channel strategy. The scalability and impact of AI in e-commerce is only expected to increase. The increase will allow the identification of exceptional prospects, build better customer relations, boost sales, and bridge the gap between personalization and privacy.
Concluding Remarks:
Even though the term ‘artificial’ may suggest something negative or dehumanized, artificial intelligence is already enabling great strides to improve the customer experience, sales forecasting, warehousing stock management, etc. AI will change the way business is done, and yes, it will affect some businesses. In my opinion, there will be new needs, requirements, and career opportunities for talent.
AI helps improve the efficiency of search, discovery, and shopping experience. Online businesses need to embrace innovation more than ever, and at least look to implement AI to protect their bottom line, if not to sustain or gain a competitive edge.
Artificial intelligence machine learning
What is machine learning (ML)?
Machine learning (ML) is a branch of
and computer science that focuses on using data and algorithms to enable artificial intelligence to model the way humans learn and improve. in his right.
How does machine learning work? System learning divides a machine learning algorithm into three main parts.
A decision process: Usually, machine learning algorithms are used for prediction or classification. Given some input, which may or may not be labeled, your algorithm will decide on a sample of the data.
Error function: An error function that evaluates the model prediction. If there is a known model, the error function can perform a comparison to assess the accuracy of the model.
Model optimization process: If the model fits the data points in the training set better, the weights are adjusted to reduce the difference between the known model and the estimate. The algorithm repeats this process of “evaluation and optimization” and individually updates the weights until the correct threshold is reached..
The use of neural networks in machine learning and deep learning:
Since deep learning and machine learning are used interchangeably, it is important to understand the distinct differences between the two. Machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks are all sub-branches of artificial intelligence. However, neural networks are a sub-branch of machine learning, and deep learning is a sub-branch of neural networks.
Deep Learning & Machine Learning:
The difference between deep learning and machine learning is how each algorithm learns. “Deep” machine learning can use labeled data sets, known as supervised learning, to inform the algorithm, but does not require a labeled data set. A deep learning process can take unstructured data in its raw form (for example, text or images) and can automatically determine a set of characteristics that distinguish data categories. different from them. This eliminates some of the necessary human work and can use a large amount of data. As Lex Friedman says in this MIT talk, you can think of deep learning as “machine learning that can be done” (link is external) at
Soft Or Deep Machine Learning:
Soft or “deep” machine learning relies more on human intervention for learning. Anthropologists define a set of characteristics to distinguish between data entries, which means they need more structured data to study.
Neural networks or artificial neural networks (ANN):
There are node layers consisting of an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer. Each node or artificial neuron is connected to another, which has an associated weight and threshold. If the output of an individual node is above the specified threshold value, that node is activated and transmits data to the next layer in the network. Otherwise, that node will send no data to the next layer in the network. “Deep” in deep learning refers to the number of layers in a neural network. A neural network with more than three layers – including input and output – can be thought of as a deep learning algorithm or a deep neural network. A neural network with only three layers is just a basic neural network.
Deep learning and neural networks are gaining momentum in areas such as computer vision, natural language processing and speech recognition.
Blog post “Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning vs. What’s Neural Networks: What’s the Difference? For a closer
Methodology of Machine Learning:
Machine learning models are divided into three main categories:
Supervised Machine Learning:
Supervised learning, also known as supervised machine learning, is defined as the use of labeled datasets to train algorithms to classify data or make accurate predictions about outputs When the input data is fed to the model, the model adjusts the input weights correctly. This occurs as part of the cross-validation process to ensure that over- or under-drafting is avoided. Supervised learning helps organizations solve a variety of real-world problems, such as sorting spam into a separate folder from your inbox. Some methods used in supervised learning include neural networks, naïve Bayes, linear regression, logistic regression, random forest, and support vector machine (SVM).
Unsupervised machine learning:
Unsupervised learning, also known as unsupervised machine learning, uses machine learning algorithms to analyze and cluster unlabeled datasets (subsets called clusters). These algorithms discover hidden patterns or data groupings without the need for human intervention. This method’s ability to discover similarities and differences in information makes it ideal for exploratory data analysis, cross-selling strategies, customer segmentation, and image and pattern recognition. It’s also used to reduce the number of features in a model through the process of dimensionality reduction. Principal component analysis (PCA) and discrete value regression (SVD) are two common approaches to this task. Other algorithms used in unsupervised learning are neural networks, k-means clustering, and probabilistic molecular methods.
Student-directed learning:
Student-directed learning Self-directed learning is a happy medium between supervised and unsupervised learning. During training, it uses a smaller, labeled data set to guide classification and extraction from a larger, unlabeled data set. Partial learning can solve the problem of not having enough labeled data for a supervised learning algorithm. It also helps if the data point is too expensive.
Strengthening machine learning:
Reinforcement machine learning is a machine learning model similar to supervised learning, but the algorithm is not trained using sample data. This model learns by trial and error. A series of successful outcomes is combined to create a positive recommendation or policy for a problem.
The Esclatech is the leading company system that won Jeopardy! A good example is the 2011 challenge. The system used reinforcement learning to learn when to push an answer (or question), which way to choose on the board, and how many bets – especially in daily pairs.
Machine Learning Most Common Algorithms:
There are many different machine learning algorithms in use. These include:
- Neural Networks
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Convolutional
- Decision Trees
- Hierarchical Forests
1. Neural Networks
The Neural networks model the way the human brain works and the number of links. And Neural network processing nodes are good at pattern recognition and play an important role in applications such as natural language interpretation, image recognition, speech recognition, and image rendering.
2. Linear Regression
This algorithm is used to predict numerical values
3. Logistic Regression
This learning algorithm examines predictors of simple response variables, such as “yes/no” responses to questions. It can be used for applications such as spatial classification and quality control in the production line.
4. Clustering
Using unsupervised learning, clustering algorithms can identify patterns in data to be classified. Computers can help data scientists by identifying differences between data elements that humans may have overlooked.
5. Decision trees
It’s Decision trees can be used to predict numerical values
6. Random (Hierarchical) Forest
In a random forest, a machine-learning engine predicts a value or component by combining the results of many decision trees.
The benefits and drawbacks of machine learning algorithms:
Depending on your budget, it needs to be fast and accurate, and each type of algorithm – supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, or additive – has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, decision tree algorithms are used to predict numerical values
General Advantages:
In general, there are many advantages that companies can use for innovation. These include machine learning, which identifies patterns and trends in large amounts of data that humans may not recognize. And this analysis requires little human intervention: just feed the data set of interest and let the machine learning system collect and refine its algorithms – more time and more data entry. Customers and users can enjoy a more personalized experience because the model learns more with each experience with that person.
Downside Machine Learning:
On the downside, machine learning should be performed on large training datasets that are relevant and inconsistent. GIGO is the service provider: garbage in / garbage out. Collecting data and having a robust system to manage it can also reduce resources. Machine learning can also be error-based on input. With a very small sample, the system can generate a very logical algorithm that is very wrong or misleading. To avoid wasting money and dissatisfying customers, organizations should act on responses when they are confident in the product.
Examples of real-world machine learning applications:
Here are just a few examples of machine learning you might encounter every day:
Speech recognition:
When the average person thinks about machine learning, it may feel overwhelming, and complicated. Perhaps intangible, conjuring up images of futuristic robots taking over the world. As more organizations and people rely on machine learning models to manage growing volumes of data, instances of machine learning are occurring in front of and around us daily, whether we notice or not. What’s exciting to see is how it’s improving our quality of life, supporting quicker and more effective execution of some business operations and industries, and uncovering patterns that humans are likely to miss. Here are examples of machine learning at work in our daily lives that provide value in many ways, some large and some small.
Customer service:
Online chatbots are replacing human agents along the customer journey. Changing the way we think about customer engagement across websites and social media platforms. Chatbots answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) about topics such as shipping or providing personalized advice. Cross-selling products or suggesting sizes for users. Examples include virtual agents on e-commerce sites. Messaging bots, using Slack and Facebook Messenger; and tasks usually done by virtual assistants and voice assistants.
Computer vision:
This AI technology enables computers to derive meaningful information from digital images, videos, and other visual inputs, and then take the appropriate action. Powered by convolutional neural networks, computer vision has applications in photo tagging on social media, radiology imaging in healthcare, and self-driving cars in the automotive industry.
Recommendation engines:
Using past consumption behavior data, AI algorithms can help to discover data trends that can be used to develop more effective cross-selling strategies. Recommendation engines are used by online retailers to make relevant product recommendations to customers during the checkout process.
Robotic process automation (RPA):
Also known as software robotics, RPA uses intelligent automation technologies to perform repetitive manual tasks.
Automated Stock Trading:
AI-powered high-frequency trading platforms designed to optimize stock portfolios execute thousands or even millions of trades per day without human intervention.
Fraud detection:
Banks and other financial institutions can use machine learning to identify suspicious transactions. Artificial intelligence can train a model using information about known fraudulent transactions. Anomaly detection can identify transactions that appear unusual and warrant further investigation.
The challenges faced by machine learning:
Machine learning technology’s development has certainly made our lives easier. Ethical concerns about AI technologies have arisen due to the implementation of machine learning in businesses:
Technological singularity:
Technical uniqueness, also known as uniqueness, refers to the concept that in the future computers will become more intelligent than humans.
The word “singularity” comes from mathematics and refers to a place where there is no clear, unobservable form. At this point, the influence of race is determined, and highly intelligent machines can create better conditions for themselves at a rate that humans cannot understand or control. The growth of this technology is a sign of no return and will completely change society as we know it in irreversible ways.
The impact of AI on jobs
Although most of the public perception of AI revolves around the loss of jobs, this concern may need to change. With each new and disruptive technology, we see the market’s need for a changed workflow. For example, when we look at the automotive industry, many manufacturers, such as General Motors, focus on making electric vehicles to adapt to green projects. The electricity industry will not go away, but the energy source will change from burning fuel to electricity.
AI will shift the demand for jobs elsewhere. AI systems need people to help them. There should be people who solve more complex problems in industries that may be affected by changes in job demand, such as customer service. The biggest challenge with AI and its impact on the labor market is to help people transition to new jobs, in demand.
There is a lot of talk about privacy, data protection and data security. These concerns have prompted politicians to take action in recent years. For example, in 2016, the GDPR was created to protect the personal data of individuals in the EU and the European Economic Area, and to allow individuals to control their data. In the US, individual states are developing policies, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) introduced in 2018. That require companies to inform consumers about their data collection Laws like this have forced companies to rethink how they store and use their own. personal information (PII). As a result, investing in security has become a higher priority for businesses as they try to eliminate vulnerabilities and opportunities for surveillance, hacking and cyber attacks.
Bias and discrimination:
Instances of bias and discrimination across a number of machine learning systems have raised many ethical questions regarding the use of artificial intelligence. How can we safeguard against bias and discrimination when the training data itself may be generated by biased human processes? While companies typically have good intentions for their automation efforts, Reuters highlights some of the unforeseen consequences of incorporating AI into hiring practices. In their effort to automate and simplify a process, Amazon unintentionally discriminated against job candidates by gender for technical roles, and the company ultimately had to scrap the project. Harvard Business Review (link resides outside has raised other pointed questions about the use of AI in hiring practices, such as what data you should be able to use when evaluating a candidate for a role.
Discrimination and discrimination are not limited to human resources. It can be found in many applications, from facial recognition software to social media conversions.
Leading Company:
As companies have become increasingly aware of the risks of AI, they have also become increasingly involved in this debate about the ethics and values
Esclatech CEO wrote:
“Esclatech strongly opposes and refuses to use any technology, including facial recognition technology provided by other vendors, for mass surveillance, exposing people, violating human rights and freedoms, or any agenda inconsistent with our values
How to select the appropriate AI platform for machine learning:
Choosing a platform is a difficult task because the wrong system can increase costs or reduce the use of other tools or technologies. When thinking that many providers will choose an AI platform, they often believe that more functions = better systems. Maybe, but evaluators should start by thinking about what AI can do for their organization. What machine learning capabilities should be offered, and what capabilities are needed to do so? A loss of function can destroy the effectiveness of the entire system. Here are some features you should consider.
MLOps operations. Does the system:
have a unified interface for easy management?
MLOps improves debugging and instance management in production. For example, software engineers can monitor model performance and generate behavior for debugging. They can track and manage model versions and choose the right ones for different business uses.
When you integrate prototyping workflows with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), you limit performance degradation and maintain the quality of your prototyping. This happens even after updating and correcting the model.
How to Implement MLOps in Your Organization
Depending on the maturity of automation in your organization, there are three levels of MLOps implementation.
Level 0 MLOps:
Manual ML workflows and the process scientist define Level 0 for organizations just getting started with machine learning systems.
Step-by-step manual, including data preparation, ML training, and modeling and validation. You must manually switch between steps, and each step is executed and managed interactively. Data scientists often provide trained models as artifacts that the engineering team deploys to API infrastructure.
This process separates the data scientists who created the model from the engineers who deployed it. Infrequent releases mean that data science teams can only train models a few times a year. No CI/CD considerations for ML models or the rest of the programming code. Also, there is no active performance monitoring.
Level 1 MLOps:
Organizations that want to train similar models on new data should implement maturity Level 1. MLOps Level 1 aims to continuously train the model by automating the ML pipeline. .
At level 0, you send a trained model to build. In contrast, for level 1, you deploy a continuously running training pipeline to feed the trained model to other applications. At the very least, you will achieve the continuous delivery of the model’s forecasting service.
Level 1 maturity has these characteristics:
Rapid ML experiment steps that involve significant automation
Continuous training of the model in production with fresh data as live pipeline triggers
Same pipeline implementation across development, preproduction, and production environments
Your engineering teams work with data scientists to create modularized code components. That are reusable, composable, and potentially shareable across ML pipelines. You also create a centralized feature store that standardizes the storage, and access. Definition of features for ML training and serving. In addition, you can manage metadata—like information about each run of the pipeline and reproducibility data.
MLOps level 2:
MLOps level 2 is for organizations that want to experiment more and frequently create new models that require continuous training. It’s suitable for tech-driven companies that update their models in minutes, retrain them hourly or daily. Simultaneously redeploy them on thousands of servers.
Since multiple ML tubes are playing, Level 2 MLOs must be configured with all the settings for Level 1 MLOs:
an ML tube speaker:
a sample register for sample-tracking many. The following three steps are implemented at scale for multiple ML pipelines to ensure sample delivery.
Build the pipeline:
Test the new model with the new ML changes and make sure the test runs are consistent. This step generates the source code for your ML pipeline. You save the code in the source code.
Deploy the Pipeline:
Next, build the source code and run tests to deploy the pipeline components. The output is a distributed pipeline and implementation of the new model.
Pipeline Services:
Finally, deploy Pipeline as a predictive service for your applications. You collect the statistics for the model prediction service from live data. This event results in a new pipeline or test cycle.